Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Best Advice for College and Career Success

Creating College and Career Success
The intent of this blog is to create a teaching/learning community for those of you who want to expand your knowledge and make intentional decisions about your college and career experiences. Your career is a mirror or hologram of how you interface with the rest of the world.

Your Help is Needed!
This Blog isn’t just for those who believe they need help with college and career decisions, but for those who have exceptional planning and decision-making to share their wisdom and experience. Your questions, thoughts and opinions are vital to the purpose of this Blog – Creating College and Career Success.

Post your idea or thoughts of the best advice that you have heard about college and career planning!

A Call to Action!
1. Set a goal of creating intentional decisions about your college and career choices. Start where you are instead of waiting to find the ‘perfect college choice’ or ‘dream job’.
2. Become a promoter of intentional decisions every where you go! Don’t just let life happen to you. Become an active participant in the game of life!
3. Do what you do best – share your wisdom; share your resources; share your experiences.
4. Post your best advice about College and Career Planning!