Monday, December 8, 2008

Finishing the Semester Strong!

The semester is winding down and students everywhere are looking forward to a much needed break from school. But semester finals are still looming on the horizon. As much as you can’t wait for the break, don’t let final exams and projects creep up on you without putting as much preparation and effort into them as you have the rest of your work for the semester. Nothing is worse than working hard all semester, then mentally “checking out” a week early only to have your performance bring you down a letter grade or two. Pace yourself. Start working on projects NOW. Don’t pull all-nighters. A good night sleep would be more beneficial.

Post your best idea for fighting off procrastination and finishing the semester strong!

1 comment:

Russ Hardesty said...

Dealing with procrastination is one of the things I want to stop, but for some reason I keep putting it off. Seriously, procrastination is often a response when I start something with great gusto, but when I realize my efforts aren't going to match my "ideal", I loose the energy to keep working at it. I actually then begin to "create" what I was afraid of. I have found if I just start, I seem to find the energy that was there when I first began the project or assignment. Emerson (Ralph Waldo) said it something like - do the thing and you will have the energy to do the thing.